Su innegable éxito se fundamenta en el tan complicado equilibrio entre forma y función. El respaldo está dotado de una ergonomía prácticamente perfecta y la longitud de sus apoyabrazos le confiere un extra en comodidad. Además es altamente resistente y muy práctica, dos características fundamentales que la convierten en una de las piezas de mobiliario más famosas del siglo XX.
Su creador Hans Jørgensen Wegner (nacido en Dinamarca en 1914) es una figura esencial para comprender la historia del diseño de mediados del siglo pasado. Tras pasar algunos años trabajando como aprendiz en una ebanistería, Hans Wegner inició sus estudios en la Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Copenhague y, más tarde, en la Academia de Arquitectura.
Wegner recibió diversos premios por sus diseños y en 1959, fue envestido Diseñador Real por la Royal Society of Arts en Londres. Por si esto fuera poco, gran parte de sus obras forman parte de la colección permanente del MoMA de Nueva York y el Die Neue Sammlung en Munich.
The protagonist of the day, though it may surprise you, was designed by Hans J. Wegner in the ’50s. Its creator remains today one of the best designers in the history of chairs, and the perfect example is the Wishbone chair. Initially called CH24, and known as Wishbone chair (by special shape of your back), is one of the most popular chairs of history that has become global icon design.
Its undeniable success is based on the complicated balance between form and function. The backrest is equipped with a practically perfect ergonomics and the length of its armrest gives an extra comfort. It is also highly durable and very practical, two key features that make it one of the most famous pieces of furniture of the twentieth century.
Its creator Hans Jørgensen Wegner (born in Denmark in 1914) is essential to understand the history of the design of mid-century. After spending several years working as an apprentice in a joinery, Hans Wegner began his studies at the School of Arts and Crafts in Copenhagen and later at the Academy of Architecture.
Wegner received several awards for his designs and in 1959 was called Royal Designer by the Royal Society of Arts in London. As if this were not enough, many of their works are in the permanent collection of MoMA New York and Die Neue Sammlung in Munich.
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