Good morning decoraddicters!! How was your weekend?? Books are present in our life since childhood, aren’t they? But unlike many other things there remain with us all life long? So we need to find the perfect way to keep them organized and accessible to be able to consult, read or even reread them whenever we want. So today I’ll show you a few ideas of libraries in different home areas. Let’s go!
Via: mi tablero de Pinterest // my Pinterest board “Libraries – Librerías“
¿Os han gustado estas ideas? Y vosotros, ¿dónde guardáis vuestros libros en casa? Espero que hayáis disfrutado de estas imágenes y nos vemos en el próximo post. Que paséis un estupendo y soleado lunes, muchos besos,
Did you like these ideas? And you, where do you keep your books at home? I hope you enjoyed these images and see you in the next post. Have a great and sunny Monday, lots of kisses,
La entrada Librerías en casa // Libraries at home aparece primero en Decoraddiction.