Ahora les quiero compartir como hice los corazones de tela que puse en nuestro medio baño.
Me encanta hacer este tipo de cositas y manulidades siento que le dan un toque personal ;) aun que es muy simple se los quiero compartir.
Hello beautiful people! When I don"t post for more that a week I feel that it"s been so long... I was visiting my parents and also I had the oportunity to assist to an event related to my work. The Mexican Consulate honored anthropologist Spencer MacCallum with the Ohtli award for his efforts in aiding pottery artists in Marta Ortiz, and it was a priviledge to be there. If you don"t know about my work you can click HERE. :)
Now I want to share with you how I did the fabric hearts I put in our powder room. I love doing this kind of things for our house I think that it gives a personal touch ;) enven though it"s so simple I want to share the idea with you.
Use tela, relleno para colchas, pintura, un lápiz con borrador, e hilo y aguja.
Para hacerlos corte dos corazones del mismo tamaño y los pinte usando el borrador de el lápiz como sello, luego cosí lo corazones juntos y antes de terminar los rellene con el relleno para colchas. Por ultimo le cosí un hilo para colgarlos y listo!
I used fabric, quilt filling, paint, pencil with eraser, needle and thread.
To make them I cut to fabric hearts the same size and paint the polkadots using the eraser of a pencil like a stamp ,then I sew the two hearts together and fill them with the quilt filling and to finish I sew a piece of thread to hang them, and that"s it!
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