Good morning everyone!! As many of you may have seen in the social media, last Saturday I attended an event at Zarzuela’s Horse Race Track in Madrid, the Vintage Fest. It was a vintage fest or market where you could find a lot of different antiques and recovered decoration objects; such as old crystal jars, wood and metal organization boxes, textiles and cushions, posters and vintage metal or wood signboards among many other things. There were also all kind of old lamps and chandeliers, as well as furniture with one or two centuries of history. W and I spent a very entertaining morning walking around all the stands and enlarging our list of favorite shops! Here you have some of the pictures I took during our walk.
¿Os ha gustado el post? Espero que sí, ¡la verdad es que fue un plan estupendo de sábado! Aquella mañana también asistí a un taller de chalk paint, pero esto ya os lo contaré en otro post, ¡jeje! Que tengáis un estupendo lunes y ¡hasta el próximo post! Muchos besos,
Did you enjoy the post? I hope you did, it was a great Saturday plan! That morning I also attended to a chalk paint workshop, but I’ll tell you about that on another post, hehe! Have a lovely monday and see you on the next post! Lots of kisses,
P.D: Podéis ver toda la información sobre este evento así como la lista de todos los expositores que estuvieron presentes haciendo click AQUÍ.
P.S: You can see all the information about this event and the list of all the exhibitors who attended by clicking HERE.
La entrada *Events* Feria Vintage – Hipódromo // Vintage Fest aparece primero en Decoraddiction.
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