Todo esto acompañado de piezas icono como las sillas Tolix o la lámina Warhol, que ya fue protagonista de un post que podéis recordar aquí. Y, ¿qué me decía de la preciosa habitación infantil? No puede ser más bonita, está llena de detalles encantadores.
Y si creéis que por si misma no es sorprendente, esperad a ver la última imagen en la que la vemos desde el exterior. Viéndola, nadie imaginaría lo que alberga en el interior, ¿verdad?
Sometimes a house surprise you in a way you did not expect. That is the case of the house starring today’s post. And that is why we slipped in each of its corners. This is an old carpenter, now converted into housing. Of course, not forgetting its industrial side. Industrial touches visible from the interior wood beams and the absolutely wonderful brick wall.
All this accompanied by icon pieces like Tolix chairs or the Warhol quote, which has already featured in a post that you can see here. And what do you say about the beautiful children’s room? It is full of charming details.
And if you think that by itself is not surprising, wait to see the final image that we see from the outside. Seeing it, no one imagine what houses inside, right?
¿Qué me decís? ¿Os ha sorprendido tanto como a mí?
What do you say? Do you have as surprised as me?
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The post INSPIRING HOMES: AN OLD CARPENTRY appeared first on Always White | Deco Blog.