Hoy nos colamos en un apartamento en Copenhage. Se trata de una vivienda de 100 m2 situado en la capital danesa, decorado por Helle Jensen, y aun que no lo parezca es un apartamento disponible para su alquiler. Es maravilloso el punto acogedor que le confieren los detalles en madera y en tonos chocolate. Además os confieso mi debilidad por la silla de las dos primeras imágenes, obra del matrimonio de diseñadores, Eames. Y a vosotros, ¿qué os ha parecido? ¿Os ha conquistado tanto como a mi?
Sometimes simple combinations are best work. And this is a good example. What do you think about the combination of white and brown? I have to admit that, a priori, is not a mixture especially catches my attention, but I saw this house and I changed my mind.
Today I show you an apartment in Copenhagen. It is a house of 100 m2 located in the Danish capital, decorated by Helle Jensen, and even that does not seem, is an apartment available for rent. It’s wonderful the cozy spot that give woods and chocolate tones. Also I confess my weakness for the chair of the first two images, designed by the Eames couple. And you, what do you think? Do you like as much as me?
Espero que os haya gustado, gracias por leerme!
I hope you like it, thanks for reading!
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