Mesita con revistero

mesita y revistero mmn
(Please scroll down for English)

mesita antes2 mmn

revistero antes

mesita1 después mmn
mesita2 después mmn
revistero1 mmn
revistero 2 mmn

Coffee table with magazine rack

This was my very first project and, as with all beginnings, everyone learns from their mistakes along the way.  I bought the little table in one of my favourite bargain shops and I found the magazine rack one afternoon whilst out for a stroll.  Although they were not a matching pair, I decided it would be a good idea to give them a new life together.  I said before that one learns from everything because both the legs and the magazine bars had a design full of curves and hidden corners, so you can imagine how hard it was to sand them.  At the time I did not know Annie Sloan?s Chalk Paint, so I used the traditional method of ?varnish and brush?.  The truth is that I really liked the bicolour combination.  To give a distinctive touch, before applying the polyurethane coat in spray, I stained the grey parts of the table leg and the magazine rack with some wood dye.  Although it is not so obvious in the photos, it gave the set an aged look.


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