Helloooo!! It’s finally Friday To end this week I bring you a post of the section *Copy the look* which I know I need to increase a bit more, I promise I will do it step by step, hehe! The space I’ve chosen to copy today is an industrial style dining room. Personally I really like the industrial style because even if it may seem cold at first sight, I think that most of this kind of spaces have a lot of character and personality.
Los elementos que os he propuesto para lograr este look son los siguientes:
Mesa: mesa rectangular de madera oscura con patas talladas de Portobello Street
Sillas: una réplica de la silla Eames DAW Chair de Mimub
Lámparas colgantes: podéis encontrar unas parecidas en Westwing
Lámpara de pie: existe una lámpara similar en IKEA
Cojines: estos son de A loja do gate preto
The elements that I’ve proposed to achieve this look are the following:
Table: rectangular dark wood table with carved legs from Portobello Street
Chairs: a replica of the Eames DAW Chair from Mimub
Pending lamps: you can find a similar one at Westwing
Pedestal lamp: there is one similar lamp at IKEA
Cushions: those are from A loja do gate preto
¿Os gusta el estilo industrial? ¿Qué os ha parecido este look? Espero que paséis un estupendo fin de semana y ¡nos vemos el lunes! Besos,
Do you like the industrial style? What do you think about this look? I hope you have a great weekend and see you on Monday! Kisses,
P.D: Para ver otros post de la sección *Copy the look* solo tenéis que hacer click AQUÍ.
P.S: To see other posts of the *Copy the look* section you just need to click HERE.
La entrada *Copy the look* Comedor de estilo industrial // Industrial style dining room aparece primero en Decoraddiction.