Over a year ago, before I was even considering the idea of creating my own blog, I was in a hurry to finish painting this dining room cabinet in a flat that was going to be rent out. The poor thing was in a small room at the end of a long corridor and the room itself didn’t have too much light, so this classic style piece of furniture made the place even darker and smaller.
Classic dining room cabinet before painting
The cabinet was in excellent condition and the owner didn’t want to throw it away, so I came up with the solution of painting it with a bright colour. I doubted whether to use mint and beige, a more country-style combination, or blue and beige. I finally made up my mind and decided to paint it with the latter, because I believed it’d give it a more majestic look, better matching the style of the flat.
Final touches
On this occasion I didn’t use Annie Sloan’s Chalk Paint, so I had to sand it, use primer and paint over and over… I wanted to emphasize the inner part of the cabinet and I also highlighted the mouldings in a close-to-yellow beige, to provide some warmth and brightness to the room.
You wouldn’t even think we’re talking about the same piece of furniture! The feeling you get when entering the room has completely changed and it welcomes you to stay!
I hope you like the change!
See you!