Las máquinas de coser fabricadas por Singer fueron unas de las primeras máquinas de coser de la historia. Estaban diseñadas inicialmente por Isaac Merritt Singer que inició su producción en 1850. Las Singer eran la versión perfeccionada de sus antecesoras, las fabricadas bajo el sello de Elias Howe. Sin embargo, las Singer introducían dos novedades fundamentales: el cambio en el movimiento que producía la aguja, del movimiento de lado a lado al movimiento de arriba hacia abajo, y el mecanismo que accionaba la aguja, que a partir de ese momento se accionaría a través de un pedal, en lugar de por una manivela.
Vintage items are trend and their style is synonymous of success. But the piece of which we speak today also has a meticulously design and important innovations. Created to meet a need and now preserved as a piece full of value, in some cases keeping their utility, and other as a decorative object with an undeniable melancholy.
Sewing machines made by Singer were among the first sewing machines history. They were originally designed by Isaac Merritt Singer that started production in 1850.’s Singers were the improved version of its predecessors, manufactured under the label of Elias Howe. However, Singer introduced two major innovations: the change in movement that produced the needle, moving from side to side to move up and down, and the mechanism triggering the needle, that from that time would trigger a via a pedal, instead of by a crank.
Estas mejoras y la exquisitez de su diseño hicieron de ella un verdadero objeto de deseo que llega a la actualidad, en muchos casos, como pieza de coleccionista. En algunas ocasiones conservando su presencia original en coquetos espacios de costura, y en otras adaptando su aspecto a las nuevas tendencias y adquiriendo nuevas funciones.
These improvements and the delicacy of its design made ??it a true object of desire that comes to the present, in many cases, as a collector’s item. Sometimes retaining its original presence in cozy spaces sewing, and other tailoring their look to new trends and acquiring new functions.
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Y vosotros, ¿conocíais su historia? ¿Tenéis la suerte de conservar alguna de ellas?
And you, Did you know their history? Do you have the luck to keep any of them?
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