El toque de la red de pescador en unos de los dormitorios, las vigas de madera que un día sostenían la estructura original, los vinilos con mensaje en paredes y espejos, las ramas secas que sustituyen a las flores en los jarrones… estos son sólo algunos de los detalles que hacen que queramos mudarnos YA a la fría campiña Holandesa. Y vosotros, qué opináis de este tipo de contraste?
Today we are visiting a Dutch farmhouse we have fallen in love with and in which Jacoba lives with her husband and kids. It has recently been refurbished with a blend of vintage items and materials with modern and contemporary lines that we absolutely love.
The fishing web in one of the bedrooms, the original wooden beams, the vinyl messages hidden in walls and mirrors, dried tree branches in jars instead of flowers… these are just some of the details that make us want to move to the cold Dutch Friesland RIGHT NOW! And you, do you like it as much as we do?
Photography: Henny van Belkom
Via Deco Addict
The post Stylish Recycling Design: Refurbished Farmhouse appeared first on Studio 4 Fashion.