While consolidation as an alternative to natural stone product, took place at the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1867, the first references are hydraulic tile 1857. At that time the company Garret, Rivet and Co. had a kind of tile that does not but required cooking presses consolidated by whose actions might be 10 x 10, 15 x 15, 20 x 20, 25 x 25 and 40 x40 cm.
El azulejo hidráulico se fabricaba pieza a pieza, el artesano elegía los colores que iba a utilizar y preparaba una pasta con agua, mezclando polvo de mármol blanco, cemento blanco, arena y pigmentos. Esto hace que cada pieza sea única y diferente al resto, pudiendo producirse en infinidad de colores y motivos.
The hydraulic tile was manufactured piece by piece, the artisan chose colors that would use and prepared a paste with water, mixing white marble dust, white cement, sand and pigments. This makes each piece unique and different from the rest and can be produced in many colors and motifs.
Aunque nació en el siglo XIX se utilizó tradicionalmente en el Mediterráneo hasta los años setenta y ahora ha vuelto con fuerza constituyendo una opción ideal para el hogar, comercios y locales de ocio debido a su gran resistencia frente al uso y a que consiguen crear atmósferas que apelan a tiempos pasados.
Although born in the nineteenth century it was traditionally used in the Mediterranean until the seventies and now has returned with force it constitutes an ideal home entertainment option, shops and due to its high resistance to wear and they manage to create atmospheres that appeal back in time.