Every time we see used in most rooms of the house and in numerous ways. We are used to see marble in kitchens and bathrooms, both floors and walls and countertops, but increasingly we are more used in furniture and accessories that complement the decor of a home.
El mármol es un material que puede transmitir sensación de frío pero ante todo destaca por transmitir sensación de pureza, perfección y elegancia. Nada escapa a este particular material con un elegante y atemporal acabado, es por todo ello uno de los materiales con más relevancia a la hora de diseñar.
Marble is a material that can transmit feeling cold but mostly known for transmitting feeling of purity, perfection and elegance. Nothing escapes this particular material with elegant and timeless finish, its for all of the materials more relevant to the design.
"Vi al ángel en el mármol y tallé hasta que lo dejé en libertad"
Miguel Ángel Buonarroti.
"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I left in freedom"
Michelangelo Buonarroti.