Decorate the walls with artwork, whether sculptures or paintings, is a way of expressing a personal style, improve the environment of the home and live alongside timeless beauty. We can acquire a work to beautify a room and decorate around it.
Una obra bien elegida se convierte en protagonista indiscutible del espacio, ofreciendo magníficas soluciones de diseño siempre y cuando estén bien ubicadas y con una luz apropiada. Una escultura añadirá tridimensionalidad al espacio y una pintura rica en efectos lumínicos aporta un extra de luz y aire a la estancia.
A well-chosen work becomes undisputed star of space, offering excellent design solutions provided they are well located and with an appropriate light. A sculpture added dimensionality space and a painting rich lighting effects, providing added light and air to the room.
Una de las premisas más importantes a la hora de elegir, es encontrar un esquema de color acorde con el resto de la estancia para que complemente el colorido de la misma y si dudamos al elegirla, las galerías de arte suelen decir que el secreto está en las emociones que nos transmiten.
One of the most important when choosing, premises is to find a color scheme consistent with the rest of the room to complement the color of it and if we hesitate to choose it, art galleries often say that the secret is in the emotions they convey to us.
"Si yo pinto a mi perro exactamente como es, naturalmente tendré dos perros, pero no una obra de arte." Goethe (1749-1832)
"If I paint my dog exactly as is naturally"ll have two dogs, but not a work of art." Goethe (1749-1832)